Safety and reliability are an increasingly important issue for software systems nowadays. We make it our objective to contribute to the development of SaferSoft - ware. With us your IT costs will become reasonable.Expert knowledge, experience and a consequent application of quality check lists and tools prevent common programming errors and therefore security leaks as well as expensive maintenance.
Why Employees Don't Follow Security Rules

Link update

Safety and reliability are an increasingly important issue for software systems nowadays. We make it our objective to contribute to the development of SaferSoft - ware. With us your IT costs will become reasonable.Expert knowledge, experience and a consequent application of quality check lists and tools prevent common programming errors and therefore security leaks as well as expensive maintenance.


Compare us with any consultant company!

Check this, if any
can compete
We focus on Safety and Reliability of software and services!
We are a Team and perform as such!
We don't strive for occupation but for Success!
We don't just offer manpower! We offer a Partnership!
We are Honest - even if we risk to lose the contract!
We have several years of Experience!
We are Small, Simple and therefore Efficient! (KISS1 principle)
We are very Mobile!

Continue your comparison!

Check this, if any
can compete
We have a Vision!
We have strong Principles!
We have a verified Realization - Strategy!
We don't hide our Skill-Profiles!
We offer to share your development risk!
We keep our promises!

One last point to mention!

Check this, if any
can compete
In our own interest, we do everything so that your company will never be dependent on us!
[1] KISS: Keep it Small and Simple (for us, not only valid for a system architecture)
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