Safety and reliability are an increasingly important issue for software systems nowadays. We make it our objective to contribute to the development of SaferSoft - ware. With us your IT costs will become reasonable.Expert knowledge, experience and a consequent application of quality check lists and tools prevent common programming errors and therefore security leaks as well as expensive maintenance.
Why Employees Don't Follow Security Rules

Link update

Safety and reliability are an increasingly important issue for software systems nowadays. We make it our objective to contribute to the development of SaferSoft - ware. With us your IT costs will become reasonable.Expert knowledge, experience and a consequent application of quality check lists and tools prevent common programming errors and therefore security leaks as well as expensive maintenance.


We coach project success!


Most software projects fail due to non-kept schedules or non-kept budgets.
Reasons for this are missing management support and a do-it-yourself policy.
A Mentor/Coach can help to reduce or even eliminate those reasons by:
establishing working and honest communication channels
neutrally checking the engineering process
neutrally checking the product's architecture
Variations: Onsite-Mentoring (The mentor looks after the tasks of a dedicated project, with the goal to finish the project successfully)
Internet-Mentoring (The mentor neutrally reviews concepts/architectures, makes corrections and proposals on request over the Internet using encrypted transfer)
Onsite-Coaching (The coach focuses on individual education by training on-the-job)
Internet-Coaching (The coach answers individual, task specific questions over the Internet using encrypted transfer)
Goal: Your projects are carefully engineered!
Your employees improve their engineering skills!
Motivation (we introduce an innovative living style of coaching/mentoring)
Correctness (the whole OO life cycle will be supported and reviewed)
Entrepreneurship (focus your employees on Kiss1)
Strategy: Keep in touch! Be informed!
Glance over all documents (check details against the overall design)
Improve communication (install and support new communication channels)
Procedure: Initial setup:
1. analysing the project's environment (finding the existing weaknesses)
2. analysing the product's design (finding the existing weaknesses)
3. get to know the employees (check the skills and discover potential weaknesses)
1. theoretical topics (introduce the most common patterns)
2. project topics (introduce/extend basic engineering principles, e.g. documentation, testing)
3. product topics (focus on requirements and open architecture)
Ask us! We look forward to discussing your individual challenge!


1 KISS Keep It Small and Simple

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