Safety and reliability are an increasingly important issue for software systems nowadays. We make it our objective to contribute to the development of SaferSoft - ware. With us your IT costs will become reasonable.Expert knowledge, experience and a consequent application of quality check lists and tools prevent common programming errors and therefore security leaks as well as expensive maintenance.
Why Employees Don't Follow Security Rules

Link update

Safety and reliability are an increasingly important issue for software systems nowadays. We make it our objective to contribute to the development of SaferSoft - ware. With us your IT costs will become reasonable.Expert knowledge, experience and a consequent application of quality check lists and tools prevent common programming errors and therefore security leaks as well as expensive maintenance.


We teach solutions - NOT material!

Why? Every company should build up a highly motivated group of key persons.
These have to be excellently educated to:
be able to assess potential outsourcing partners
introduce new technologies to the company
be accepted and supported by the upper management
Variations: Team-Teaching 2 (!) teachers look after the individual weaknesses of the students and teach by teamwork
Common Teaching 1 teacher gives the lessons
Goal: Your employees become peak-performers through:
Motivation (we introduce an innovative living style of teaching)
Pragmatism (the whole OO life cycle will be used on real life problems)
Team support (focus on working as a team)
A comprehensive set of sample sources will be developed which will serve as patterns for everyday problems.
Strategy: Provable results:
Preparation for a challenging and accepted examination. (SUN Java Certificates Program)
Learning by doing (real life business problems solved while gathering the theoretical background)
Procedure: Course Preparations:
1. analysing the business requirements (finding the necessary patterns)
2. preparing customer oriented, selected pragmatic exercises (defining the required examples for the patterns)
Course Program:
1. theoretical introduction (focusing on basic OO, the target patterns and engineering topics)
2. developing the top-level design (class work) (think & plan big - realize small)
3. developing the component design
(team work)
(focusing on open and comprehensive interfaces)
4. discussing the integration (class work) (matching the interfaces)
5. developing a test concept (team work) (focusing on functionality tests)
6. engineering the components (individual tasks) (supporting an equal individual contribution for the whole engineering process, incl. documentation)
7. integrating the components (developing an integration cookbook)
8. exchanging the experiences (learn from mistakes)
9. learning how to reuse the patterns (inject the course's goal)
Ask us! We look forward to discussing your individual challenge!
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