Safety and reliability are an increasingly important issue for software systems nowadays. We make it our objective to contribute to the development of SaferSoft - ware. With us your IT costs will become reasonable.Expert knowledge, experience and a consequent application of quality check lists and tools prevent common programming errors and therefore security leaks as well as expensive maintenance.
Why Employees Don't Follow Security Rules

Link update

Safety and reliability are an increasingly important issue for software systems nowadays. We make it our objective to contribute to the development of SaferSoft - ware. With us your IT costs will become reasonable.Expert knowledge, experience and a consequent application of quality check lists and tools prevent common programming errors and therefore security leaks as well as expensive maintenance.


Using the mathematical notation: (= the following can be concluded)
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The Partnership is The Success
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Convinced by Performance NOT by Size!
KISS Company Structure!
KISS Software Architecture!
KISS: Keep it Small and Simple
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